According to the baseline forecast scenario by RAMR, in 2020 new truck sales will decrease by 18.0% on 2019 and will amount to 65.6 thousand units. Under the optimistic scenario, sales will fall by 16.5%, while under the pessimistic one - by 20.1%. If restrictive measures caused by the second wave of COVID-19 are re-introduced, the demand may be down by 25.3%.
The decline in demand for new trucks will mostly affect the BIG-7 brands (DAF, IVECO, MAN, MERCEDES-BENZ, RENAULT, SCANIA and VOLVO). The inevitable increase in prices for European trucks, initially more expensive, against the background of the decrease in the purchasing power of corporate and private buyers will result in the shift of demand towards Russian and Chinese brands. Moreover, government orders, which currently play a significant role in the truck market, primarily involve the purchase of Russian brands.
Source: «Updated new vehicle sales forecast for 2020-2021» press-pelease by RAMR