
Thousand Russians account for 331 cars
According to Russian Automotive Market Research, as of June 1, 2021, the car population in Russia numbers 47.5 million units.
One thousand residents of Russia* account for 331 cars on average. The level of motorization in 36 regions of the Russian Federation is higher than the national average one. The highest availability of cars is in the Primorsky region - 479 cars per 1 thousand residents.
The Moscow region is the leader among TOP-10 regional parks by the level of motorization – 398 cars...
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Leaders in the trailer population
According to Russian Automotive Market Research, as of June 1, 2021, the trailer population numbers 1.1 million units.
The most in-demand trailers (TOP-5 bodies) are dropside vehicles, dumpers, curtainside vehicles, tankers, and vans. They account for 73.2% of the population.
The most popular brand among dropside trailers became MAZ (56.4 thousand units). SZAP is the leader of the trailer dumper population – 42.9 thousand units. The first place among the curtainside trailers belongs to KRONE...
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The vehicle production continues to grow
According to Russian Automotive Market Research, in January-July 2021, the vehicle production in Russia amounted to 945 thousand units, which was a 35.2% rise on the result of the similar period of 2020.
In comparison with the similar period of 2019, the vehicle production decreased by 5.2% in 2021.
In July 2021, the vehicle production fell by 7.2% on July 2020, while the production of commercial vehicles showed increase and the car production – the sharp...
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The average age of Chinese buses is 10.5 years
According to Russian Automotive Market Research, as of June 1, 2021, the bus population numbers 444.7 thousand units.
Russian and foreign brands in the bus population account for 76.4% and 23.6%, respectively.
The bus population is quite old: vehicles older than 20 years account for 36.1% among Russian buses and 53.8% among foreign ones.
The average age of Russian buses is 17.2 years, while that of foreign ones - 20.5...
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The corporate LCV fleet numbers 1.1 million vehicles
According to Russian Automotive Market Research, as of June 1, 2021, the corporate LCV fleet numbers 1.1 million units.
The corporate LCV fleet is quite old: the share of vehicles older than 10 years is 43%. More «fresh» vehicles aged under 3 years account for 21% of the corporate fleet.
GAZ is the leader among brands in corporate fleets as of June 1, 2021. The second place belongs to...
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The demand for LCV leasing increased
The agency Russian Automotive Market Research summed up the financial leasing market in H1 2021 and prepared the «Vehicle leasing: January-June 2021» report.
In January-June 2021*, a total of 20.6 thousand new and used LCV were issued for financial leasing, which was a 104.5% rise on the result of the similar period of 2020**.
The share of sole proprietors in financial leasing contracts for new and used LCV showed a 0.9% decrease, while that of companies with state participation fell as well...
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