
New LCV market forecast for 2024-2025
The new light commercial vehicle (LCV)[*] market forecast is based on three scenarios: baseline, optimistic and pessimistic. According to all three forecast scenarios, the following factors have a negative impact on the Russian automotive market. 1. Sanctions (EU, USA and other countries). After February 24, 2022, economic sanctions were imposed against the Russian Federation, which also affected the automotive market. There is a ban on the export of LCV, automotive components for...
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New car market forecast for 2024-2025
The new car market forecast is based on three scenarios: baseline, optimistic and pessimistic. According to all three forecast scenarios, the following factors have a negative impact on the Russian automotive market. 1. Sanctions (EU, USA and other countries). After February 24, 2022, economic sanctions were imposed against the Russian Federation, which also affected the automotive market. There is a ban on the export of cars, electric cars, automotive components for automakers, spare parts...
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New truck market forecast for 2024-2025
The new truck market forecast* is based on three scenarios: baseline, optimistic and pessimistic. According to all three forecast scenarios, the following factors have a negative impact on the Russian automotive market. 1. Sanctions (EU, USA and other countries). After February 24, 2022, economic sanctions were imposed against the Russian Federation, which also affected the automotive market. There is a ban on the export of trucks, automotive components, spare parts, technologies and...
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79 versions appreciated in May
The marketing agency NAPI analyzed recommended retail prices (RRP) for new cars in May 2024. Compared to April 2024, prices for 84 versions changed. Prices decreased for 5 GEELY, EVOLUTE, and VENUCIA versions. The price reduction varied from 0.3% to 9.6%. Prices for 79 CHERY, LADA, UAZ, and JAECOO versions increased in May. The price growth varied from 0.3% to 7%. The LADA brand has the largest number of versions that became more expensive - 66 units. New car prices, Rub. Source: NAPI /...
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Car prices fell significantly in January
The marketing agency NAPI analyzed recommended retail prices (RRP) for new cars in January 2024. Compared to December 2023, prices for 35 versions have changed. Prices for a number of CHERY, KAIYI, DONGFENG versions have decreased, a total of 6 versions have become cheaper. Prices for 29 versions increased in January, but not significantly – from 0.3% to 0.7%. The price decline was more significant – from 8.1% to 13.4%. New car prices, rubles. Source: NAPI / National Industrial...
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How many buses will be sold in 2024
HOW MANY BUSES WILL BE SOLD IN 2024 According to the baseline forecast scenario, in 2024, new bus sales will amount to 16.62 thousand units. Under the optimistic scenario, sales will reach 15.98 thousand units, while under the pessimistic scenario, they will reach 14.83 thousand units. The baseline forecast scenario is based on the following prerequisites: Sanctions against the Russian Federation will remain until the end of 2024. In 2024, PAZ bus sales in the Russian market will...
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