In 2019 the market of new trailers and semi-trailers[1] showed negative dynamics (-2.6% on 2018) and amounted to 32.34 thousand units.
In 2019 the market leader SCHMITZ sold 4.44 thousand trailers, which was a 8.3% rise on 2018. The second place belongs to TONAR: sales of trailers of this brand increased by 22.3%. It is followed by NEFAZ, trailer sales of which remained at the level of 2018.
The largest regional markets in 2019 were the Moscow region, Tatarstan Republic and Moscow.
The most significant growth of demand for trailers among TOP-20 regional markets was shown by the Nizhny Novgorod region: +29.2%, while the sharpest decline in new trailer sales - by Tatarstan Republic: -22.1%.
[1] Hereinafter trailers
Source: «Demand for new trailers decreased by 3% in 2019» press-pelease by RAMR