По итогам первого квартала 2020 года емкость рынка новых LCV[1] составила 40 млрд руб. (+6,3%). Средневзвешенная цена на новые легкие коммерческие автомобили выросла на 7,5% по сравнению с первым кварталом 2019 года и составила 1 605 384 руб.
GAZ traditionally became the leader by financial results. In the first quarter of 2020, the brand's dealers sold new LCV on 15.6 billion rubles.
FORD, vehicle sales of which in money terms amounted to 5.6 billion rubles, followed it. TOP-3 also included VOLKSWAGEN with financial result of 4.9 billion rubles.
Three TOP-15 brands showed reduction in market revenue – UAZ, MERCEDES-BENZ, VIS. Negative dynamics was caused by the drop in sales of LCV of these brands by 15.5%, 21.4% and 10.8%, respectively...
[1] LCV полной массой до 6 т, включая пикапы
Source: «LCV sales in money terms in the first quarter of 2020» press-pelease by RAMR