Russian Automotive Market Research analyzed prices from electronic platforms for new and used trailers and prepared reports on average price dynamics.
These reports show the dynamics of average prices for TOP-30 trailers in demand in the Russian market.
Research allows you to track changes in average prices for new and used trailers, compare the rate of growth/decline in prices for trailers of interest, adjust the pricing policy, etc.
According to RAMR, SESPEL, BONUM and GRAZ became the leaders by sales of new tank trailers in 2019. Among them, BONUM became the leader by growth of average prices for new tankers. In the fourth quarter of 2019, average prices for BONUM tankers increased by 12.4% on the same period of 2018.
SESPEL showed the largest increase in average prices (+7.4%) for the reporting period among used tank trailers under 3 years of age. At the same time, average prices for SESPEL tankers aged 4-6 years and 7-10 years decreased.