How many LCV will be sold in 2025
The new LCV (vehicles with GVW of up to 6 tons inclusive, including pickups) market forecast* is based on three scenarios: baseline, optimistic and pessimistic.
According to all three forecast scenarios, the following factors have a negative impact on the Russian automotive market.
1. Sanctions (EU, USA and other countries). After February 24, 2022, economic sanctions were imposed against the Russian Federation, which also affected the automotive market. There is a ban on the export of LCV...
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How many trucks will be sold in 2025
The new truck market forecast (vehicles with GVW over 6 tons) is based on three scenarios: baseline, optimistic and pessimistic.
According to all three forecast scenarios, the following factors had a negative impact on the Russian automotive market:
1. Sanctions (EU, USA and other countries). After February 24, 2022, economic sanctions were imposed against the Russian Federation, which also affected the automotive market. There is a ban on the export of trucks, automotive components...
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How many cars will be sold in 2025
The new car market forecast is based on three scenarios: baseline, optimistic and pessimistic.
According to all three forecast scenarios, the following factors have a negative impact on the Russian automotive market.
1 . Sanctions (EU, USA and other countries). After February 24, 2022, economic sanctions were imposed against the Russian Federation, which also affected the automotive market. There is a ban on the export of cars, electric cars, automotive components for automakers, spare...
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New bus market forecast for 2024-2025
The new bus market forecast is based on three scenarios: baseline, optimistic and pessimistic.
According to all three forecast scenarios, the following factors have a negative impact on the Russian automotive market.
1. Sanctions (EU, USA and other countries). After February 24, 2022, economic sanctions were imposed against the Russian Federation, which also affected the automotive market. There is a ban on the export of buses, automotive components for manufacturers, spare parts...
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New LCV market forecast for 2024-2025
The new light commercial vehicle (LCV)[*] market forecast is based on three scenarios: baseline, optimistic and pessimistic.
According to all three forecast scenarios, the following factors have a negative impact on the Russian automotive market.
1. Sanctions (EU, USA and other countries). After February 24, 2022, economic sanctions were imposed against the Russian Federation, which also affected the automotive market. There is a ban on the export of LCV, automotive components for...
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New car market forecast for 2024-2025
The new car market forecast is based on three scenarios: baseline, optimistic and pessimistic.
According to all three forecast scenarios, the following factors have a negative impact on the Russian automotive market.
1. Sanctions (EU, USA and other countries). After February 24, 2022, economic sanctions were imposed against the Russian Federation, which also affected the automotive market. There is a ban on the export of cars, electric cars, automotive components for automakers, spare parts...
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Market analysis
Spare parts market analysis
Automotive statistics
Automotive leasing
IT-solutions for automotive market analysis
Legal factors
Electric cars
Corporate vehicle market
Total cost of ownership
Special purpose vehicle
Legal factors affecting automotive market formation
Vehicle prices
Residual value of cars and special purpose vehicles
Kazakhstan automotive market