The Peresvet autonomous trolleybus (5270T) was created in partnership with "Transport Solutions" LLC and Scientific and Production enterprises of Saint Petersburg: "NPP "EPRO" LLC (a set of traction and auxiliary converter equipment) and "Autonomous Energy Systems" LLC (traction battery system), with the participation of Belarusian company "NHC Power Components" and other Russian components manufacturers.
The purpose of the test runs is to obtain data on the energy consumption of a trolleybus per kilometer of track, including the average energy consumption for traction and the vehicle's own needs, as well as data on the dynamic and other operational characteristics of the prototype.
The battery pack for the Peresvet trolleybus is fully developed and manufactured in Russia using the new patented technology of the "Autonomous Energy Systems" company.
The main advantage of the new solution is the record gravimetric energy density, which is significantly higher than that of other existing Russian batteries. It is over 150 W/h/kg. The unit capacity is 102 A/h, the power is 62 kW/h, which allows the trolleybus to travel up to 20 km autonomously. The possibility of autonomous movement allows flexibly working with the contact network. Night charging of the lithium-ion traction battery is carried out from the 380 V, 50 Hz contact network or industrial network on the territory of the trolleybus fleet.
The tests of the new trolleybus will take place on the routes of Vladimir, and the release will begin at the Bakulin Motors Group research and production complex after all tests are completed.
NAPI (National Industrial Information Agency)