TMP has released specialized containers for engine transportation

The Tutaevs Motor Plant, KAMAZ subsidiary in the Yaroslavl region, has developed a special container for transporting engines to the main consumer. Since November, the engines on metal stands have been sent to the Saint Petersburg Tractor Plant.

The stand was designed by the design bureau of the equipment and network maintenance and repair service and is a metal frame with wooden supports covered with a geomembrane cloth for safe transportation of the engine. Previously, the stands were wooden, used only once and the consumer had to dispose of them. Now the recycling issue has been removed from the agenda: the stands will return to TMP PJSC, and a new batch of engines will be sent on them.

As before, it will be possible to use a loader to transport the engine on a stand, the container is stacked in a free state. Since the stands have now become returnable, each of them has an individual number for tracking, and a plate indicating the gross and net weight.

NAPI (National Industrial Information Agency)

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