MAZ electric vehicle assembly plant opened in Zhodino

Russian Automotive Market Research

The opening of a new assembly plant of MAZ electric vehicles took place at the production facilities in the city of Zhodino in a solemn atmosphere on December 29, 2020.

The building of the new assembly plant with a total area of more than 6.6 thousand square meters will allow the Minsk Automobile Plant to reach the new level of creation and production of highly environmentally friendly type of passenger vehicles: MAZ 203T trolleybuses of various modifications, including those with increased autonomous running. In the future, it is planned to set up the assembly of MAZ 303E10 electric buses, the production of which will begin in 2021.

Assembly of electric vehicles will be carried out by full cycle, including welding, adjustment and painting types of work. There are also areas for setting up control systems, diagnostics of electronic systems, as well as control and acceptance of products.

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