Truck leasing
2024, monthly
Archive data:
2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
Data format:
Excel, Access, MSQL
The marketing agency NAPI (National Industrial Information Agency) is monthly monitoring truck financial leasing contracts.
«Truck financial leasing contracts database» contains information about:
- leasing object (brand, model, vehicle type – tractor, dump, cement mixer etc.)
- leasing contracts (initiation and expiring dates, changes)
- lessor (name, location, TIN, business sphere etc.)
- lessee (name, location, TIN, business sphere, company size etc.).
«Truck financial leasing contracts database» can be useful for:
- leasing companies
- truck manufacturers and suppliers
- insurance companies
- marketing agencies etc.
«Truck financial leasing contracts database» allows to:
- estimate the leasing market volume
- analyze the procurement structure of lessee companies
- calculate exact market shares of each leasing company
- determine the vehicle delivery partners.
The database is being monthly updated and provided in following formats:
- Excel
Consultation by phone: +7 (831) 439-21-82 or napi@abiz.ru